Apra Harbor - Guam - Micronesia
GPS Coordinates of location: Lat:N13o 27’02“ Lon:E144o37’24“
Apra Outer Harbor Entrance - Fl G 4s, Mooring at Marianas Yacht Club Contact Us
Berthing typically not available Agat Marina or Agana Boat Harbor. Typhoon shelter possible at Harbor of Refuge, contact
Guam Port Authority for status and availability of mooring if leaving boat unattended during typhoon season.
Marianas Yacht Club
1st Rear Commodore Boats & Harbors
Mark Anderson
Mail Address:
Marianas Yacht Club
P.O. Box 2297
Hagatna, GU 96932
United States Coast Guard Sector Guam Rescue Command Center
Email: rccguam@uscg.mil
Phone: 671-355-4824
Radio: VHF Marine Channel 16
General Notes:
Apra Harbor is a deep-water port on the western side of the United States territory of Guam. The harbor is formed by Orote Peninsula in the south and Cabras Island in the north. To the south, the harbor narrows and then widens again to form an inner harbor. The southern end of the harbor is the location of Naval Base Guam. The northern end is the commercial port, which handles about 2 million tons of cargo a year.
Guam is a territory of the USA. The official language is English. Tagalog and Chamorro are next most common languages.
Fuel: Dockside diesel delivery is available at pump prices from Morrico Equipment – Ph. 671-649-1966 Website: http://morricoequipment.com/diesel/. Visiting yachts can coordinate with Morrico for fueling alongside near the commercial docks on the Cabras Island side of Apra Harbor or at Agat Marina.
Tips: Check out Visit Guam for upcoming events http://www.visitguam.com/ which has good info on Chamorro Culture and upcoming Guam events. Guam is a shopping destination for east Asian countries. It has numerous exceptional restaurants and a vibrant night life. Tumon in west central Guam is the main tourist destination.
Tides: Tides are not a problem here. The largest known tidal range is 1.12M (3.7 ft).
Customs and Immigration: On arrival, call Ports on Channel 13 to request permission to enter Apra Harbor. Marianas Yacht Club is a designated Port of Entry locations, yachts should confirm that Customs and Immigration will go to Marianas Yacht Club for processing. The yacht captain must come ashore with the normal entry paperwork to meet Customs and Immigration officers. Officers will not come out to boats, but will await for the Captain to meet the Officers on the clubhouse patio. MYC has moorings, but does not have docks. It is best for arriving yachts to have a dinghy prepared to bring you ashore since MYC relies on member volunteers and does not provide this service. If you clear in after 17:00, or on the weekend, be prepared to pay an overtime fee. If you are non-American without a visa, be prepared to pay a fee to apply for a visa, information is available at www.dhs.gov/guam-cnmi-visa-waiver-program.
Relevant Customs & Immigration phone numbers are:
Customs: Marine: 671-472-8426 or Airport: 671-642-8071
Immigration: Marine: 671-475-6215 or Airport: 671-642-7611
Mooring: Depending on demand, mooring buoys are generally available for visiting yachts at MYC. MYC inspects the moorings on a regular basis, however, MYC can take no legal responsibility for use of a mooring. Since mooring pennants are subject to chafe and marine growth, visiting yachts using a mooring should inspect all the components and provide their own lines or other equipment if deemed appropriate. To arrange a Mooring contact the MYC 1st Rear Commodore of Docks and Harbors at moorings@marianasyachtclub.org
MYC extends one day free use of our services, facilities, and mooring to visiting yachts. Thereafter it is $7.00 per day for MYC services, facilities and mooring. Crews in excess of four persons will be charged an extra fee of $1 per person per day for the additional use. Fees are payable weekly on Sundays.
Visiting Yacht Registration forms are available for download HERE or onsite located by the phone at the snack bar. The club has free WIFI available for all visiting sailors. You may use the telephone for any local calls. Laundry may not be done on the club premises. Our location is on Sasa Bay, which is a Marine Preserve that promotes marine life. Detergents and cleaning chemicals will adversely affect the wetlands area. Please help us preserve the environment. Laundromats are located throughout Guam.
Mail: MYC will receive and hold mail for you during your visit. MYC mailing address is: Marianas Yacht Club, P.O. Box 2297, Hagatna, GU 96932. Mail, including yellow package notices, is picked up by the Treasurer on a weekly basis. If you personally pick up packages, the yellow package notice is required and you should present a photo ID. If you become a regular member, you must establish your own mailing address in Guam.
Sports: Scuba diving is very popular. Bring your standup paddle board as there are several locations to explore around Sasa Bay, Piti, Asan and Apra Harbor. Snorkeling is also very popular but be very aware of rip currents, if you are not familiar with rip take time to learn about them at the many beach sign locations. Hiking and bicycling are popular. Guam has numerous spectacular waterfalls. You are welcome to join the Guam Boonie Stompers for a hike any Saturday morning at a cost of $2. For Hashers the Agana Hash House Harriers (AH3) is very active on island and runs every Saturday at 4pm. AH3 trails are typically more physically challenging than most other H3 trails.
Transportation: Guam has a public bus service with closest stops in the village of Piti about 2-3 miles away from the MYC. Schedules and fares can be located at www.grta.guam.gov. Most visitors find it convenient to rent a car for in-town shopping and errands. There is a supermarket within walking distance at Piti, but most shopping requires a vehicle, especially Home Depot, K- Mart (the largest in the world), the Micronesia Mall in Dededo, and Agana Shopping Center in Hagatna. Guam has a good range of grocery, hardware and support services. Club members can provide recommendations. New to Guam is Stroll Guam our Uber-like service.
Annual Events: Guam-Rota Race – Memorial Day weekend. Memorial Day is the last Monday in May every year. Liberation Day Parade – 21 July. Other holidays follow the typical USA calendar.
Charts: Apra Harbor Island of Guam (Marine Chart : US 81054
Island of Guam Territory of Guam (Marine Chart : US 81048)
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands : US 81004
Apra Harbor Booklet Chart